Our Classroom

Practical Life
The Practical Life area is unique to the Montessori method. Children learn concentration, independence and fine motor skills. The children will be busy cutting, tracing, pouring, scooping, polishing to develop as many essential skills as possible.
The Sensorial materials, such as the famous Pink Tower, were beautifully designed by Dr. Montessori to prepare the children for Mathematics and build spatial awareness and refine the senses. Some of the categories in this area include size, form, color and auditory.
In the Montessori classroom, we teach children how to read phonetically. The Sandpaper letters are introduced to the children followed by work with the Moveable Alphabet which enables children to form their own phonetic words. Children can develop a love of reading and become strong and fluent readers. The older children have their own journals, and they produce progressively more complex stories.
Art and Music
In the Montessori classroom it is the process and not the product that is important. The children are using their imagination to create and express themselves. We provide them with the materials and the skills needed. We also connect art to other areas of the classroom. We may read a story and become inspired by the illustrations in the book, or we may draw a beautiful picture in our journal and write about it. Music is also an essential part of our day. The children learn to sing songs, dance and appreciate music.
By using concrete materials during the early, sensitive years, the Montessori child can learn the basic concepts of mathematics. Montessori students use concrete hands-on learning materials that make abstract concepts clearer.
We teach the children about the world around them by introducing them to the continents. The children explore these continents through the music, food and art of the people who live there. We discuss the animals that live there as well as work on maps and flags. The children gain a better understanding and respect for different cultures.
In the Montessori classroom the children are encouraged to become little scientists. They are introduced to Botany, Astronomy, Physics and Zoology and encouraged to explore the world around them.
Our Spanish Classes are interactive and fun! Our certified teacher incorporates songs, stories and games to teach Spanish in an effective way. We also introduce Montessori materials that reinforce the concepts the children have already learned, such as colors, shapes and names of animals. Spanish is taught once a week in our Primary Classroom.
Physical Education
The children play outside twice in the morning for at least thirty minutes in our lovely playground based on Montessori principals. We also offer soccer classes taught by a trained coach once a week in the fall and spring. The soccer classes are included in the tuition. We also offer yoga for the children.
"Mrs. Masri is an incredibly talented Montessori instructor. She fosters a nurturing, respectful and collaborative classroom where all students are made to feel welcomed, respected and valued. Under her guidance, my children soared academically and were beyond peers when they entered traditional Kindergarten. They also grew socially and emotionally and developed long-lasting friendships. I credit Mrs. Masri’s methods of instruction for giving them a sound and strong educational foundation."
—Kendra G.

"As founding members of Mindful Montessori, we cannot recommend it enough. The teachers are excellent professionals and do care about the development of each one of the kids as single individuals. They are very responsive and constantly provide feedback about positive behaviors as well as areas that could be reinforced.
Since joining Mindful Montessori, our son has developed a great level of independence and acquired manners that perfectly complement the principles we encourage in him as a family.
We are signing-up our son for their summer program and the next school years before sending him off to pre-K."
- Mauricio C.